Crypto Wealth — Is It Possible In 2025?

Because Buying Is The Easy Part

On March 17, 2017 I published How To Diversify Into Cryptocurrencies To Protect And Grow Your Savings.

In late 2018 I published a “Beginners Guide to Cryptocurrency 2019”.

Then May 2019 I published “7 Principles for Trading Cryptocurrencies”.

In this new series starting December 2023, we will expand on those principles updated for 2024.

But more than just ‘principles’ we will laser-focus on the mental disciplines that underpin them.

Trading Psychology is taught in professional financial trading… while most retail investors lose their edge… as they lose the balance of their trading account.

I made that mistake. Even after writing those 7 Principles. Even after continuing to learn way beyond what I published then in 2019.

The 2020 bull run was glorious. I accumulated coins that performed beautifully. My portfolio bulged. My greed glands sung. I imagined a future of financial independence, even wealth.

But alas, that comfort and a HODL mentality blindsided me from the market crash which began early 2021.

And so I rode the market all the way down, 90% down, back down to earth. No moon in sight. No lambo. No FYM.

I won’t make that same mistake a 3rd time.

Yes, a 3rd, because I did the same thing back in the 2017 bull run too.

2017/18, up and down without cashing out.

2020/21, up and down without cashing out.

I could make excuses, but excusitis is an unacceptable dis-ease of the mind. One to learn from, yes. But not to cling to for comfort.

Now at the start of an expected super cycle from now through to late 2025, with institutional money flooding into a maturing crypto economy, my one crypto goal is to prepare my trading psychology to push the SELL button at the right time.

That is the Crypto Conundrum.

Preparing yourself to SELL at exactly the right time. Because buying is the easy part.

2017 I made and lost a mint.

2021… same story.

2024/25 will be ‘3rd time lucky’…

Or more like dogged discipline and scrutiny to adapt to market conditions, and be supremely ready to push that big red SELL button at the right time…

This strategy will receive more detail as I continue to refine and describe how I approach the 3rd crypto bull cycle I’ve witnessed.

…before the institutional investors dump on the final wave of unsuspecting retail investors. Sorry not sorry.

So here’s the gist of my strategy to date:

  • A mixed bag of tokens, anything that looks about ready to pop

  • Technical Analysis for entry and exit points — focused on Wyckoff accumulation and mark-up patterns

  • Watch for narrative popularity on Crypto Twitter (AI, Games, RWA, DeFi)

  • Rotate out of coins that reach swing peaks, fall below Wyckoff re-accumulation ranges), or hit significant Take Profit resistance levels (horizonal trend lines are super powerful trading instruments)

  • Weed out positions in coins that have high market caps as presumably they will move slower than low market cap coins

  • Accumulate in 3 tranches, small initial entry, next tranche once the first is in profit or has dropped to a good support level ready for a rebound. And then a 3rd if the coin is smoking. This really helps manage risk.

  • Don’t get married to any coins. A big mistake I made in the past with several coins that had hype narratives but no mustard. Now, I am a total floozy ready to switch to any coin that is hotter in the moment. However, I’m basing that mostly on Technical Analysis, not marketing hype.

  • I will also begin including marketing analysis into my coin reviews (it’s a big part of my professional background so I can take advantage of it from a crypto analysis point of view) and will share those notes as I produce them.

One final though on strat: I’m also interested to explore AirDrops (because it will help keep me educated, and possibly gain some small token bags that pay an hourly wage thus helping justify short-term focus on crypto with a 2-year take profit time horizon).

By the time you read the Crypto Conundrum Letter (next page) you might already be confused, even downright frightened, of trying to trade crypto.

And I don’t blame you.

10% gains vs 10% losses can sometimes be the difference between checking the charts and placing a portfolio adjustment just an hour later.

But when you know the principles of success (many of which comes from the traditional financial markets) you can very quickly stack the odds in your favour.

And that’s what we’re going to explore in this newsletter over 2024 leading into the super cycle market top in 2025.

Millionaire status is possible for the diligent few.

Mediocrity will be the result for the mass majority.

I'm not going to sugar coat this...

If you trade crypto, you will probably lose money.

And I'm going to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I will also tell you how to buy crypto (without giving financial advice).

And then the only question you'll have left is... when to sell.

And there's the rub.

Because any fool can stack crypto.

Just jump on YouTube watch a bunch of influencer videos. Charting gimmicks. News hype. Favorite coin lists. Latest projects. Launchpads. Partnerships. Trending categories on Coin Market Cap.

And you'll have your self a nice portfolio.

But that won't make you rich.

Because most people do not sell when they should.

Most people (like I did, twice)... HODL for dear life... and watch their portfolio crater to dust as the bull run reaches its peak with full tilt euphoria... only to leave the vast majority holding the bags.


That's right. I had Fuck You money in my crypto portfolio twice.

And I only fucked myself.

I've learned from it. I've educated myself. And I'm training my brain with the right psychology. The right mental models. The right exit strategies. The right technical signals. The right market cycle perspective...

So that in the 2024/25 bull run. I will be the one laughing this time around.

And I want you to join me for the ride.

The Crypto Conundrum Group has some public content that we share... but most of it will be fully focused as the most unique group of crypto buyers.

We are not looking to trade short-term.

We don't need to be told what or when or how to buy.

We have one single focus.

When. To. Sell.

And we expect to sell only a handful few times over the coming year and a half.

To catch significant market tops as the longer time-frame charts show the market roll over at key points of support and resistance... along with the shenanigans of the dying political and economic Establishment.

We will capitalize. We will conquer. We will be the victors.

And it doesn't take much to leverage a portfolio into wealth.

If you have ever lost money trading crypto because you didn't SELL at the right time... even if you BOUGHT at a great moment... you'll know exactly what this private group is about.

Until you exit... until you realize those gains... it's only wealth on paper.. it's magic Internet money... until you secure it as stablecoins or fiat.

My goal is $10M in the next bull cycle.

My 2017 portfolio reached $1.5M.

My 2021 portfolio also reached $1.3M.

Yes, to be crystal clear, that's 1.5 and 1.3 Million Dollars.

Think of how many super cars I could have bought with that.

A luxury crib.

Traveled the world like a prince.

But I failed.

And I won't fail a third time.

I was naive in 2017.

I'd learned to trade silver options before that.

But crypto was different.

Crypto was a volatile beast.

2021 was also a different kind of animal.

The YouTube gurus got it wrong.

I wasn't paying enough attention.

That's right. I was distracted by minor details of life rather than capturing the big life changing bounty I should have been fully focused on every day of the market cycle end around January 2022.

If you don't know the Wall Street Cheat Sheet yet, study this image. See the label 'complacency'. That was me with over $1M of value in my portfolio that I could have cashed.

And in crypto... here's the truth of it:

So this club...

The Crypto Conundrum Mastermind

We're going to be an accountability group.

We're going to share education.

I'm going to reveal every trick I've learned by trading crypto for marginal gains for almost 6 years — and the exit strategy that will let me cash out with $1M to $10M in the coming bull cycle.

I'm ready for it.

Let's get you ready for it too.

And who am I?

At the start of 2017 I joined — a crypto debit card provider and exchange. I was Head of Marketing and we analyzed the behaviour of 1.5 million customers. I could see how often they bought crypto. How much they spent. If or when they sold.

We also held local meeting groups in London with up to 100 people in attendance.

I made presentations:

I taught technical analysis:

We had a live market updates podcast:

Members of our team met with popular crypto YouTubers at London conferences:

Crypt0 with Raff (yours truly as the photographer of course)

Me with Ben Goertzel of SingularityNET

Jeff Berwick with Raff

Me with ArcaneBear and Raff

And I learned a LOT about the FOMO (fear of missing out) and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) that the crypto market is built on. The smell of fear and greed clouding the judgement of hundreds of thousands of people at different levels of trading experience... all represented as data in spreadsheets. It was anonymous by the time I analyzed it. But the overall patterns were clear. That's how I really came to understand the frantic speed of a market top, where aunts, uncles and even grandmas are buying bitcoin and talking about it at the dinner table. And then once the whales pull the plug, and the retail investors run out of spare cash... there comes a moment like an eye in a tornado... when the market is suddenly still. Bulls become exhausted. Bears become exhausted. Hesitancy fills the air. Euphoria turns to panic as no one is left to buy and prices begin to tumble back down to Earth. Selling at that point is already too late. 20%, 40% even 60% drops from a market top can happen in a matter of hours. And that's when complacency sets in like in the WSCS. Hopium lets people believe the market will recover. But it doesn't. The SELL window was lost. Half the gains you could have cashed in are gone. Now the question is whether you have the fortitude to sell and keep the 50% that's left... or watch it disintegrate into another crypto winter. If you've been there before, you know how it all feels. Let's do something different this time around.

Please note. This is not financial advice. I am not a registered financial advisor. Those folks don't make millions from crypto anyway. They're too conservative. But I will not be telling you what to buy or when. There will be no personally tailored investment advice. Your results are your own responsibility. And that's really the entire point. I'm going to arm you to the teeth with both psychological and technical trading methods that you need to confidently exit at the right time based on your risk profile for ultimate gains. And it will be YOUR discipline and control that gives you that success.

Proof That Trading Puts Your Money At Severe Risk

There's plenty of proof like this. Google it if you're skeptical. Only fools try to beat the markets by day trading.

The crypto markets are even more volatile than regular stock markets. So just imagine what % of people LOSE their shirt by day trading crypto.

Try it if you want to. But be honest with yourself about your success.

When you're ready for a mature approach, here's what to do:

How To BUY — the easy part...

DCA (Dollar Cost Average) among 10 or 20 coins of your choice.

Rebalance the portfolio every once in a while if you want. Statistically, it's the surest way to make gains.

Don't worry so much about what the YouTube crypto vloggers say day to day. They are attention seekers, or they want YouTube ad revenue.

Just use Coin Market Cap to see what's trending in the market. Educate yourself about projects by reading their websites, checking their social channels and communities, look up their LinkedIn accounts and spy on their staff a little bit to see if the're legit professionals. Read crypto news sites too.

And then select your favorite collection of coins to accumulate all the way into the bull run.

When to SELL — the difficult part...

What I'm going to share is my own exit strategy and the principles I have learned that you will be able to adapt for your self.

We're going to spend a lot of attention on trading psychology. Because that's the deciding factor.

So here's what to do. Join Supermind Associates. Even the basic $10 level is ok. And then inside the members area let me know you want to be part of the Crypto Conundrum Group.

I will hook you up.

And together we will ride the wave of the next bull run for maximum glory.

P.S. Inside the Crypto Conundrum Group we also share our favorite sources of crypto analysis. I subscribe to a bunch of premium services so you don't have to. But I'll share all the services so you can subscribe to them too if you wish.

You'll also get my TradingView profile link where you can see all the chart analysis I've published over the past few years and will continue to publish as we focus on how and when to SELL.

Join Supermind Associates and get access today to our private channel for the Crypto Conundrum group.

Join the Crypto Conundrum group today.

The 2024/25 bull run is considered to be quite possibly the largest market move in crypto history and perhaps the final massive move compared to future cycles too... because this time, the institutional investors are getting into the market.

Don't miss out.

Last updated

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