Creative Bliss (profit)

Epicurus nailed the route to authentic sustainable happiness 3,000 years ago.

His formula was: Freedom. Friends. Reflection.

That is: When you 'work' enough to live relatively free from negative stress...

...enjoy time with close friends...

...and reflect on the rights and wrongs of life... gain more benefits out of life, more profit — far beyond mere material wealth than you could ever hope for.

Let's call it Productive Bliss.

That is, being captivated by meaningful vocation that brings you boundless joy.

Epicurus identified the root of happiness as 'tranquility', not exuberance or hedonism.

An experience of having nothing more to strive for or attain beyond the satisfaction of the moment.

(I use the word 'levity' as described in detail via the sister site

Productive Bliss comes from your individual sense of purpose and a profound commitment to recognize truth at the deepest level.

Not truth in the sense of manipulative rationalization or bias justifications for deficiencies and wishful thinking, but truth in the sense of integrity and wholeness which emerges out of raw honesty.

A profound degree of honesty, from an indestructible love for ones experience, a disciplined capacity for self-control, and an insatiable curiosity to question everything without bias.

Intellectual honesty breeds clarify, mindfulness and willingness.

That power eventually moves you towards Supremacy.

Your reward is a two-sided experience of progress and satisfaction.

Side 1: Productive (worthy advancement and contribution)

Side 2: Bliss (satisfying tranquility)

The Perpetual Satisfaction of Productive Bliss

That state of perpetual satisfaction via productibe bliss has 2 primary experiences:

(1) a sense of vitality (energy, enthusiasm, empowerment, vigor) and

(2) a sense of order (rightness, availability, preparation, completion).

You may recall times in your life when you felt that you had vitality and your life was in order.

Nothing beats that feeling of levity that results. A lightness of being, like falling in love, and being in love, with all of life.

We can have those feelings continuously and forever by causing the change we need this decade.

You'll need to plan for it. Find your planner via this 2 minute quiz.

Join countless others approaching a time of cosmic integrities.

Cosmic Integrity

Supreme inventor Buckminster Fuller of the early 20th century sums it up well:

“I began to consider what the little individual could do on behalf of his fellow man that government and corporations could not do. It became evident that the individual was the only one that could deliberately find the time to think in a cosmically adequate manner. Each human has his lifetime to invest. If he commits to operations in cosmic integrities he will find himself participating in nature’s own formulations and will realize the potentials of her various freedoms and choices, to be employed to the advantage of all human beings to come, in order that humans may fulfill their cosmic functioning on board of our planet.” - R. Buckminster Fuller

When we achieve civilized society, caring community and cosmic integrity we tap into a never ending source of productive bliss.

Last updated

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