Civilized Society (protection)

Civilized Society

Sound Money | Law & Order | Civil Coordination

Financial Currency = Creative Energy

Sound Money means money that is not created out of thin air by banksters or politicians to fund their wasteful budget programs.

Precious metals and cryptocurrency’s with legitimate use cases can serve as sound money.

Anything that serves as a basis for freely and fairly measuring and exchanging value.

Stop central banks from 'printing' money by replacing fiat currency with sound money.

An idea whose time has come.

Imagine a social culture that upholds a divine sense of balance within the diversity of experiences with freedom to choose who and what we associate with no matter where we live.

It is only because of our collective failure to remove the coercive threats of force and fraud that our political systems result in tyrannical suppression of minorities.

The closer that governance systems become to eliminating the impurities of force and fraud, the faster and easier we will see distributed governance flourish and replace the decaying rot of centralized authoritarianism worldwide.

Only a consent-based governance system gives each person the freedom to do their thing while preserving that same freedom for others. Only consent creates equality of justice.

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