I’m a film editor in Hollywood.. I just discovered [your site] when I ran across a note you posted on Economic Rebels Forum back in November. I love your Special Bonus Report … I’ve just spent a couple of hours on your site. Wow! What great content. I want to read everything you’ve written. - J B
"After coming back to your site 3 or 4 times I got as far as reading your testimonials. They gave me goose bumps. I had to get up from my computer and find another task to do. I felt like I was being spoken to from beyond." - Cathy
"Your Last Man Standing piece of Art/Writing was easy to read. It had enormous information all bundled into a concise script. My soul was reflected in your writing." - Paul
"I thought it was very true and insightful. The reason I can see this is because I was raised with extreme religious beliefs. Nothing else was right. Yet there were men of the church that molested me and contradicted everything I was being taught. A couple were preachers. Ive been suffering from depression for some time and Ive been trying to break free from the one sided and contradictive teachings of my childhood. Im 42 years old and fill so trapped and helpless." - M.
“Lets say I was mesmerized by the story. My gosh I hope this would never happen. The way you described the groups is phenomenal which really had me thinking. Possibly movie material.” – Dr Ronald MacIntyre
“Thank you! Yes, of course, I read it with much anxiety and encouragement as it resonated with my inner being in a big way as it touched on feelings that I dare not express to any of my friends. It was indeed very interesting reading and I hope that many others will have the same sentiment. – Claire
"I value your story and the ideas. Making an understanding, clear with the Sanskrit meaning of Karma (cause and effect). Take that to the acid test within emotions and see what I see. Go to a civilization of independent freedom and grow to being the one in his own right, and the connection to your book is within. On glory way to be then me." - Nick
"I really enjoyed your latest article [Self-Leaders Bottom Line]. This sentence, “All we need to be is the angel or the father christmas who hands them the greatest possible present in human history.. Neothink Power.” made me cry." - Tony Pretenhoffer
“I read your publication and saw where many parts are very true. I need more time to digest the material. I usually read a few times so I’m not missing anything. I would agree that if the world continues down its current path, there won’t be anything or anyone left. – Tambria
"The book is really good, I agree with it in all areas! I took my brain back year ago from the programming that was imbedded in me from birth. These control freaks do not like it much, but hey it is my brain, my body, and I reprogrammed it to my liking. I believe in peace, love and harmony and I do have a vision of a super society, one whom works together with no violence, just peace, one society in tune with the Universe and its great plan for us." - Trina
Yeah i read it, but didn’t expect it that everyone was already dead. i mean, would have been cool if u told the story while there were people still living. – Z
“I hope this scenario will never happen.” – Bill
“After reading your short ebook I feel like You are my new cornerman and I am a heavyweight fighter and with your knowledge of the fightgame and my raw power we own that heavyweight title. YOUR FRIEND FOREVER DAN THE DESTROYER. – Dan
“I’m very excited about it all. by the way i did like very much i hope we can change be fore its to late!!! – Steven
“yes gav. i can relate very much. still reading. i’m a slow reader but once i started reading…wow. keep up the good work. positive message. – Peter
"It was touching and summed up many key concepts of Neo-Tech. Although speculative in nature, your story could very well take place, as it derives from the essential and commonly overlooked injustices in this world. I’m glad that there are writers out there who are greatly influenced by Neo-Tech." - Jack N
"I found your story fitted my own views on the world situation almost perfectly." - Norm
"I read the whole thing and I believe in its power wholeheartedly!" - Richard
"I can definitely see things coming down to this. It just makes me stop and think in which ways I can get involved to help change things." - Randall Overbey
“I am reading your book, and I can relate to very much of it… Your folderarchy solution is something I’ve dreamed about all my adult life. I would like to remain in touch and keep you updated on my progress. We’ll speak soon. – Shebah
"Just finished browsing your site and my complements to you. I’m a long time NT reader. Do you hire into your company, or is it a bantam-style set up like at NTP??? Anyway, I sure hope your predictions for the 2008 elections come to pass. Take care." - Jake
"Worth reading for the insight, and emotional impact."
“I’m anxiously reading everything on this new philosophy. I am curious about what the precise information and tools are that will result in manifestation of ones dreams. In addition I am also curious how these changes would come about in the world that seems most firmly rooted in the status quo. Changing the paradigm of everyday life and the comfort of the world as people know it is a daunting task at best. – Lennie
“I found this book to be very interesting – Sad to say it paints a dark picture of our future… Ah but it is only a warning you say…there is hope, yes, even a light at the end of the tunnel you say. So I will continue to investigate the 6 gifts…and it is with interest that I watch the continued saga called “Life on Earth”. We did this to ourselves – if only we could wake-up…the cockroaches have been working real hard to keep us under thumb. I have seen the ideas presented elsewhere but your form is much more concise and to the point. Well done – let us intend that what you present comes to fruition.” Steve
"Thank You Very much!!!!! I believe these offers + Neothink will = a much better life for me, as well as a way to put what I have learned from Neothink to better use." - Anna
"I will share your story. Many of the folks I communicate with on the net are on the same thought and action plane." - Crest
"Yes. I liked it. Ayn Rand’s ideas are a rich source for a very similar philosophical stand…. Rand, Wallace, Shaw, and me. To avoid Anthem, and “I am Earth’s Survivor”, it needs to be recognized that we are living Atlas Shrugged." - Richard David
"I finished reading your ebook. I got distracted for a little while because I followed your links and did some more reading. I’ve read most of the materials online about Neo-Tech, the ones I could find anyway… well I still have ‘The Book’ to read. I found your ebook to be very straight forward and easy to read. You didn’t pull many punches and I liked that. Your writing is more true to the writings of Neo-Tech. You were honest, straightforward and positive about your approach. You write with confidence, you know what you’re talking about. I agree with everything you had to say and thought the layout of the material was very well thought out. You went into just enough detail to catch the readers attention, although I may be a little bias because of my prior Neo-Tech knowledge, but I liked it very much and it should help the revolution tremendously!" - Bill Smith
"Dare I state this opinion? Neo-Tech might very well be one of the portals of your knowledge base, but I dare say that you’ve transcended into a new category all together! You writings indicate a synthesis of both knowledge and intent that might well be forecasting a Gestault of the future!" - purpleshadow
"Just went thru the book again. I admire your intelligence and writing skills. I have been, for a long time now. The cover story of Earth’s Survivor is definitely real/possible if we don’t act right now." - Ozzie Freedom
"Dear sir I found your book very interesting section A was very sad and depressing describing the ant-civilisation down with the parasites section B the complete opposite the wonderful supercivilisation rid of all authorities and full of value producers/ creators for every body to flourish and prosper very exciting indeed." - Terry
"The book itself is very unique, I like how it’s a mixture of speculative fiction and bullet-pointed non-fiction. It is ambitious and quite timely, for I also believe that the time for freedom-focused individuals to act is now, and the coercively violent ‘powers that be’ know their time is running out and so they are accelerating their plan of tyranny. So it is crucial that Truth gets out to the masses to offer an alternative to the manufactured lies." - Darren
"What an epiphany!!" - Teddy Antoine
"I have read it and it was interesting, almost as interesting as nouveau tech package of inner circle secrets. Now if I can figure how to apply all of this info." - Joe
"Hi Gav, Your story was astonishing and with your astute links to valuable backgrounds including your own values at impressive sites you build I was kept very busy for two full days. There are many of us ‘scientific workers’ to quote Nietzsche going very hard to try to bring about a Supercivilisation result. Your document was chilling and motivating and informative. . .I am restructuring my office and living space out of inspiration from your organizing suggestions. Thank you for your excellence and contribution. May we see the New World emerge through your careful ongoing guidance. On to Zon!" - Jeffrey
"Yes I liked it, I've already read neo-tech 3 times, and this is another confirmation of what it teaches, I'm still in the process of figuring out the wealth part" - Sean
"Are you Frank R Wallace?" - Doug
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