Neo-Tech Physics

Neo-Tech Physics

In his 1996 work called Neo-Tech Physics, PhD of inogranic chemistry Dr Frank R Wallace identifies:

Gravity Units are neither energy nor matter.[ 31 ]

But, in sort of a de Sitter sense, energy and matter meld into the symmetry of Gravity-Unit space or an existence field. From that fundamental symmetry or field of existence, all universes spring.

Indeed, Gravity Units are that which the latest string theories are groping toward. Gravity Units not only occupy all space among matter and energy particles, but comprise all such particles themselves including quarks and electrons, including gravitons and photons.

The most fundamental controller of existence is human consciousness, the force that controls symmetry and Gravity Units. From those dynamics, existence evolves. ...Consciousness is the ultimate logic, beauty, and symmetry of physics from which future, major theories and discoveries will be predicted and confirmed.

[ 31 ] Energy and mass in the strictest sense do not actually convert from one to the other as suggested by E=mc2 . They are really just two different modes of the most fundamental field -- the existence field consisting of quasi spacetime points and Gravity Units. From any Gravity Unit or quasi spacetime point can spring the mass and energy of an entire entire universe of quarks and electrons. But, how do the quarks and electrons actually materialize? They materialize by breaking the symmetry of a Gravity Unit or spacetime point, which is pure symmetry at zero energy, zero mass, and zero gravity. That symmetry breaks into exactly equal but any amounts of positive and negative energy. The amount of energy depends on how the symmetry breaks. The positive energy consists of mass and energy fields comprising the dynamics of quark-and-electron motions. The negative energy consists of gravity comprising the dynamics of antimotions and slowing time. The total energy, mass, and gravity for any universe or its alternate mode of a Gravity Unit is zero, with all positive and negative energies exactly cancelling each other. Indeed, in the totality of any closed universe or Gravity Unit, the conservation laws of energy, angular momentum, and electrical charge disappear. They each cancel to zero. ...In a Gravity Unit, time stops and disappears into a spatial dimension or geometry. What really are quarks and electrons? They are existence modes or geometries of quantized momentums that are relativistically compacted into mass particles surrounded by energy fields or wave functions. Gravity Units and their existence field are controlled by conscious beings through unblocked, wide-scope, integrated thinking efforts. The fine-coarse graining of existence will reveal a quantized particle of conscious thought: the thinkon. As photons mediate force in the electromagnetic field, as W and Z particles mediate force in the weak nuclear field, as gluons mediate force in the strong nuclear field, and as gravitons mediate force in the gravitational field, thinkons mediate the force of consciousness in the existence field. All existence can be identified through various sum-over histories of thinkons. ... The mathematics of noneuclidean, multidimensional geometries may provide the field equations for the existence field and its thinkons.

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