New Faith
What Religion Will Dominate The Singularity?
Big question.
Is the technological future godless?
Will cybernetic transhumanist atheists rule the roost?
How will ‘spirituality’ be re-invented and re-invigorated with science and honesty?
Hark back to ancient times
Panentheism is described as man’s oldest religion. A reverence for the divinity in all things.
Imagine a social culture that upholds a divine sense of balance within the diversity of experiences and freedom to choose where our energies go.
In nature, panarchy is the natural mixed equilibrium reached within an ecosystem, such as a forest with various forms of flora (plants) and fauna (animals).
This probably points to the root of the word paganism, btw.
In civil governance, or ‘politics’, Panarchy advocates our right to choose the social rules we live by. That we are not beholden to men but free to follow the calling of our individual spirit, providing we recognize that same right for others, of course.
Doesn’t that already sound more spiritual than we see of today’s religions?
Project into future times
Imagine the world post Singularity. Technology rapidly provides for all of our physical needs. We are freed from the constraints of today’s economics. Politics is all but reduced to a function of protecting individuals from the risk of force or fraud. Society is wholly benevolent.
…Now, reflect on the nature of human to human relationships. Bask in the goodwill of a society freed from the constraints of barbaric political machinations as exist today...
What religious view would people hold?
How would they relate on a daily basis to their religious sentiments?
Can you see how each of us would feel the blissful imminence and reverence of abundance that surrounds us and pervades every interaction, even every artefact.
Consider how Cathedrals were architected to capture a majestic reverence for a vengeful god in the sky. Priests, chastizing the congregation of sinners seated in pews, pointing downwards to the depths of an imaginary hell with fire and brimstone.
Instead, divinity within the Singularity is a directly felt constant experience of daily life. The rightness of life. The goodness of being. The responsibility of caring for self, each other, and surroundings. The perpetual opportunity for productive bliss to both enjoy and create new experience.
The New World Religion In A Nutshell
Once we enter the Singularity, God is no longer interpreted with anthropomorphic characteristics. That is, we no longer think of as ‘god’ in the sense of an individual separate conscious being with requirements and punishments and vengeful emotions.
The god-concept becomes fully absorbed into our reverence for the benevolent manifestation of existence. The rightness of life becomes our rapture. We directly experience ourselves and everyone and all things around us as part and parcel of divinity.
The New World Religion In Depth
Continue with a research project from 2019 exploring the emergence of Sci-Fi Spirituality.
This body of research will continue throughout the 2020’s until every nuance is revealed, giving you keys to the universal consciousness inside of the Singularity.
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