SciFi Spirituality
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Groundbreaking Research: "Modern Spirituality In The Messianic Age of Artificial Intelligence and Immortal Consciousness"
All is revealed in this research with heavenly gifts from science, religion and politics.
1st Published January 3rd 2020
Book of Reformation ( תִקוּן ספר) Gavriel Shaw |
(Edit 15, 26-Dec-19)
Heavenly gifts from science, religion and politics?
Yes dear reader — If you take an interest in human history, ancient origins, and the evolution of human experience, wisdom, technology, and society… this research document will expose brand new gifts for the 2020’s.
Today’s gift of traditional religion..? Purity of intent. Willpower. Today’s gift of modern science..? Practical tools for dramatic change. Today’s gift of politics? The obvious realisation that rulers do not have your best interests at heart.
Combined, those 3 gifts reformulate our collective consciousness into a new era of spirituality in which you take full self-responsibility, eat from the Tree of Life and live as the Immortal Gods.
Only if you’re dissatisfied with the mainstream status quo of religion, curious about the esoteric within religious history, and yearn for truth beyond surface appearances of hand-me-down rituals and subservient ‘faith’.
Put the surface-level traditions of organized religion and parasitic politics aside, and what remains? A treasure trove of hidden human history and ancient insight in geometry, science and struggle that can solve today’s climate conundrums and political stalemates.
For religious people to set an example to the world on what it means to be truly ‘spiritual’. This research reveals how to be relevant in modern times and fulfil that noble duty to mankind. Adding the heart of Spirituality back into Science.
For non-religious people who want to explore and improve the human condition, living to our highest potential of human-centred health and happiness in a free and prosperous world. Adding the art of Science back into Spirituality.
Either way, from our religious and non-religious communities — by taking life seriously — we face:
If you question the status quo of your community... dare to step an inch beyond the bounds of majority accepted belief... and indulge in your authentic curiosity... you’ll be met by arrows and daggers — even by your closest friends and family.
As an example: 13th century Rabbi Abulafia was ridiculed by the majority of Rabbi’s at the time for his views on Kabbalah (so-called ‘jewish mysticism’) until long after his death. Then, the jewish community began to understand his advanced message and his work became accepted, then applauded, then cherished.
On the flip side, Atheist Objectivist Ayn Rand sought a clean-sweep to politics and religion by defining Spirituality as ‘one's sense or view of life, combined with one’s assertiveness towards living’.
...But living towards what? A life after death? Or heaven on earth?
Perhaps it is our generation that will decide through Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computers — reaching deep into the fabric of existence for answers that unify science and religion into a combined code of experience.
The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) share similar roots — and yet they seek to dominate or eliminate each other. Why?
Most Jews reject Jesus. Many Christians avoid the fact that Jesus was Jewish. Muslims maintain they know better. Non-religious people ignore all of them. Why?
Why do we tolerate such a wide divide of intolerance… drowning in prejudice, dogma, ignorance and distraction?
Yet equally as bizarre... a number of religious people convert to opposing religions — Jews, Christians and Muslims! How is that mentally possible?! By what process of mental acrobatics can a devout Christian become a pious Muslim, for example?
And who was this ‘Father Abraham’ fellow who laid the foundations of modern monotheistic religion? A non-religious Chaldean from ancient polytheist Iraq!
What’s the point of it all, anyway? Could there really be a unifying insight… a code of consciousness... that accelerates all of us into a golden era of enduring peace and abundant prosperity?
The goal of this challenging collection of research is simply this:
For Jews to be true to themselves. For Christians to be true to themselves. For Muslims to be true to themselves. For Atheists to be true to themselves. For Agnostics to be true to themselves. For new-age spiritualists to be true to themselves. For men to be true to themselves. For women to be true to themselves. For mankind to be true to our primordial nature and greatest potential.
First, cast aside old biases, prejudices and intolerances. Suspend judgement. Avoid knee jerk reactions. Look beyond your daily perspectives.
Through a rich tapestry of references that expose ancient beginnings with a roadmap to our imminent future, this research reveals the obviousness of our emerging collective unity. Think of it as Messianic. Or materialist hedonism. Or Peace on Earth. Or the Transhumanist digitally-enabled future. Or Jesus’ open-source secret or Moses’ quantum-encoded message.
You may know the stories of Dorothy in Kansas, Alice Through The Looking Glass, Neo in The Matrix. I invite you to cross the rubicon into unfamiliar territory.
Part 1 provides a summary of snappy allusions to set the scene.
Part 2 unfolds those allusions into conclusions with references that break apart illusions.
Part 3 includes Appendices with a short mention of current-day issues.
Let us begin this journey with an overall summary...
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Some 10,000 years ago mankind began developing complex consciousness. A free-will consciousness with sufficient mind-space to recognise our own unique individuality within a confusing sea of experience, voices, and animal instincts.
But alas… it would seem that we have not progressed much since then at all.
We are still searching and struggling for inner peace and outward prosperity. The luxury of leisure. Fruits of various forbidden trees. The pursuit of escapisms, distractions. Mired in neuroticisms. Wars, death and disease.
Back then, our hands enabled not just the creation of tools, but the expression of emotion and thought through gesture — eventually leading to phonic alphabet, complex language and cultural habits.
Through a number of cataclysmic events that wiped out past civilisations, artefacts were passed on by survivors. Mathematics and alphabets encoded observations of history and nature. Past knowledge took on mythical significance. Men read their fate in the patterns of the stars, fire of the sun, and arc of the moon.
Historical figures arose, such as the non-religious ‘Chaldean’ known as Abraham and the Hindu representation of God known as Brahma. Abraham’s message of unity aligns with the Hindu message of Brahma (representing the same archetype from ancient times). In fact, their names are the same letters. Abraham. Brahma. They share the same origin.
As does everything that exists. Existence has a unifying thread that connects each and every thing, person and potential. An underlying fabric within the matrix of universal experience. But not in a voodoo sense. Hermeticists call it The Limitless. Kabbalists call it The Infinite.
Harnessing that unity enables peace and prosperity in a new era of spirituality within a few short years. Yes, bliss on Earth. Everywhere. For everyone. All of the time. Observe your knee-jerk reaction as your mind boggles at the thought of peace and prosperity for everyone — despite today’s global turmoil and 3,000 years of pillage, rape and greed.
The story of Abraham adopted by religions, and expanded through an evolution of monotheistic dogma, has divided us.
Abraham’s message was of unification and reason. The many gods worshipped by society were superficial constructs based on a deeper unifying essence. That essence is natural law and individual consciousness. In a word: Science.
The metaphorical or semi-historical character known as Abraham recognised that individual deities did not control the sun and the moon, cause rain to fall, or speak to them in prayer. Abraham recognised the many voices of the gods were false. He smashed the idols of many gods, symbols of superficial, superstitious belief.
Abraham gave us a science. An objective, discernable, relatable, unifying science of existence.
The ‘[[Book of Formation]]’ (Sefer Yetsira) attributed to the biblical persona of Abraham is confusing to religious people. It’s unlike the majority of religious teachings. The laws. The commandments. The supposed history of a people. No.
The Book of Formation speaks of energy formations, different types of material substrates, the order of the planets in the zodiac, and sequences of numbers. Was it the start of computer science? Quantum physics? Black magic? Is there anything that we can learn from it today? For practical changes in our rapidly accelerating world of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cyber Communication? Spiritual questions about man’s place in the cosmos? Yes!
The book itself is translated into modern Hebrew and English with descriptions like this:
“The twenty-two letters. They are fixed on a wheel. The wheel rotates backwards and forwards. A sign for the matter: if in good, above pleasure, and if in evil, below pain.”
Attentive scholars have produced a simplified and generalised model symbolising some of what is explained in that (presumably) 2000+ year old book:
(Edit 5 on 3.Jan.20)
Perhaps I’ve annoyed you with undertones of religious criticism. Or perhaps I’ve inspired you with reference to the divine. Perhaps you’re here in search of salvation. Or perhaps you’re here to prove me wrong. Or just for the entertainment.
Either way, I heartily invite you to play along.
Every nook-and-cranny of society will be transformed by digitisation. Manual labour becoming automated systems with data analytics, helping to improve how efficiently work gets done.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are already beginning to impact every product, service, and experience we have.
Digital Transformation will disrupt everyone’s lives. Just as the automobile, telephone, and computer have.
As this research reveals, a transition from analog (non-digital) to digital has big implications for human conscious development and science.
It will impact geo-politics, local and global governance, economic decentralisation, financial inclusion across emerging markets, and soon to be ‘quantum communications’.
Religions go through reformations from time to time as their old cultures wear out and new inspirations shine. Such as the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. Or ‘Islamic Modernism’, a movement in the 19th century that attempted to reconcile Islamic faith with modernity. Judaism has also gone through times of reformation.
Due to the effects of digital transformation, religion will be pushed through a series of new reformations. A new spirituality for our times.
These reformations will support a unified modern culture of peace and prosperity. It can occur quickly by religious community leaders teaching congregations about our ancient human heritage as revealed in this research.
A More Healthy, Happy, and Honest Society
Due to recent archaeological discoveries and digital techniques for deciphering ancient history, information is about to be unveiled, leading to a new dawn of conscious control for every aspect of human experience.
Let’s explore the winding chain of logic from ancient human history through to a new science of consciousness — then onwards to a spiritual reformation.
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Bible believers say that a god popped the universe into existence from nothing (although the god was already something), demanding that we obey ‘him’ for love, otherwise he’ll be angry and punish us.
Many believe those Bible stories as historical facts that occurred around the end-times of an ‘Ancient Egypt’.
Those who more deeply study the inner workings of religion discover levels of metaphorical insight that suggest something far more sophisticated than literal stories of the Bible.
The fundamental question remains. How far does observable human history go back?
Are biblical figures in fact modern constructs of even older legendary characters that existed in antiquity?
Did a race of Adamites exist? Did they have science?
Just as Christians stop asking questions about what came before Jesus, because Jesus in the New Testament says ‘ignore what came before, all that is relevant now comes from me’, or words to that effect.
Similarly, Jews stop asking questions about what came before the Old Testament stories, because a modern interpretation says ‘In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth’.
We are here to determine our own answer to the question of why we’re here. Can any higher dimensional absolute answer from a source external to yourself ever really give you truth? “It says so right here in this holy book!” Really? Anything ‘said’ are simply words. The truth must come from inside you. The kingdom of heaven is within.
Few look below the surface. Few look inside. Few explore the evidence of angels, aliens and advanced civilisations… Let us dig in.
If you haven’t fled from this research already, you’ll certainly have a belief bias about where humanity came from. Chances are you believe that either:
God authorised angels to construct the material plane of existence we call Earth 6,000 years ago. Aliens seeded Earth with DNA protoplasms or genetic experiments that evolved hybrids into humans. Ancient civilisations rose and fell through hundreds of thousands of years with various sciences and superstitions until modern recorded history began about 10,000 years ago.
Whichever way you currently slice it, there are some fascinating artifacts we now have as a result of that process. Buildings. Sculptures. Signs and Symbols.
To conclude Section 1 let me give you the punch line:
Human history has become hidden due to ignorance, bias, and agenda. Sorry if that sounds too much like a ‘conspiracy theory’ to you. But read Section 2 and the dots will connect.
Mankind's spiritual ascension depends on unifying so-called materialism with religious spirituality. Just as the body-mind integration is necessary for a human being, so to is a science-spirit integration necessary for our highest potential. The root of religion is science, not superstition, nor a deity in the sky. By doing so, we eat from the Tree of Life.
Spirituality means holding a deep reverence for existence, our own sanctity as precious beings of love and light, with a committed willpower to bring out the best at every moment and contribute to a free and fair society built on integrity and tolerance.
Those who grasp the unifying power of those 3 points of view stand on the promontory of human evolution. The next step in mankind's journey to align with the might and majesty of our conscious brethren who already exist waiting for us, beckoning us to join them, throughout the cosmos. Sic Itur Ad Astra. A Pathway To The Stars.
Section 1 will be expanded. For now, dive into Section 2 for challenging, unfamiliar and related evidences.
— end of section 1 —
(Edit 5, 20.Oct.19)
To help set the scene, here’s my summary assessment of the evidence presented.
History matters because our collective consciousness is affected by past traumas, turning points, and enlightenments.
Alphabet evolved out of human gesture, and therefore includes a much deeper psychological significance than just random sounds of convenient letter combinations.
The most noteworthy alphabet for studying the evolution of consciousness is probably what is now known as Hebrew, which evolved out of either or both Phoenician and Aramaic, which came from ancient Persia (Iran). It gets confusing. But putting together the puzzle pieces leads us to a unifying spirituality as you’ll soon see.
Early versions of those alphabets may have come from earlier civilisations, transmitted in records that have since been hidden or destroyed.
There are 22 ‘autiot’ or symbols, that reflect the main letters in the Phoenician/Aramaic language, as used today by modern Hebrew.
Each of the autiot (symbolic letters) carry metaphorical meaning that help construct a dynamic and flexible language for enabling and transmitting thought.
This language builds on the geometries of physics, known as sacred geometry, and points us potentially to advanced insights about the nature of existence.
Understanding, learning, and using those 22 autiot opens a doorway to re-learn knowledge of the ancients, cleanse our collective consciousness, and build towards a new science for our digital era.
SciFi Spirituality then becomes free of superstitions or narrow minded dogmas, and false or superficial religious beliefs.
From this point on, the majority of the text is swiped from various sources. Many reference links are provided.
Only the discerning reader will connect the many dots into its full puzzle-picture for spirituality. This is a work in progress until ‘Immortality of the Gods’ is achieved for everyone on Earth.
Let’s crack on with samples and citations.
“Probably, all the main ancient cultures in the world are much older, more evolved and more spiritually based than what modern history has afforded them.
Similarly, ancient populations and languages may be much older in the lands that we find them in than current estimates indicate. This would include the Proto-Europeans and the Persians, also regarded as products of nomadic invasions from the north and east.
Our current human history of 5,000 years makes little sense if our species is over 150,000 years as current science estimates.
The destructive effects of the end of the Ice Age, which saw huge land masses and coastlines submerged, the destructive influence of long periods of time, and the lack of attention by modern scholars used to a short historical time line may explain why such ancient and pre-Ice Age cultures have not been better discovered or recognized, even though in the case of India, they are still alive among us.
True history, not as mere technology, but as the development of enlightened cultures likely goes back tens of thousands of years on all the continents. The great civilizations of the early ancient world that we find like the Sumerians, Egyptians, Mayas or ancient Hindus are more likely the remnants or survivors of yet earlier great cultures that our history has so far failed to uncover. Indeed all the great ancient cultures that we find at the beginning of history do not present themselves as the founders of something new but as connected to earlier cultures going back into the Ice Age and before.”
David Frawley -
(Edit 3, 26.Dec.19)
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour — From the poem ‘Auguries of Innocence’ by William Blake.
Aren’t words powerful? A few words from loved ones can send us spiraling into a pit of pain, or uplift us the entire day full of love and joy. Words communicate more than just simple dictionary definitions, they reach into the fabric of our subconscious minds and ‘pluck our heart strings’.
“Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.” - From the movie V for Vendetta
How did words develop such a capacity to move our mountains? Do our words today relate to emotional expressions of sound from 10’s of thousands of years in our past? Do individual words... even single letters... carry a vibrational impact on our nervous system that can influence our health?
What about the sound frequencies that words and letters are made of? Sounds can be ‘screeching’ or ‘soothing’. Sounds can heal. Sounds can even effect the shape of crystalline structures in ice as water freezes.
Imagine vibrational frequencies of subtle energies literally forming atomic structures that form the building blocks of our material existence.
From motion to vibration to resonant frequencies to sounds and light to matter to emotion.
Words are far more than just man-made constructs to communicate ideas. They form the very basis of ideas themselves. Ideas that convey human experience from the heights of intellectual theory down to the roots of soulful emotion.
Spirituality re-builds our connection to words, empowering us through alphabet to build a better world.
The origin of modern alphabets is worth a quick note.
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The following is not particularly controversial. It is historically validated and accepted by mainstream academia. They just don’t seem to quite agree on the exact timings of things, as per much of ancient anthropology.
A number of related alphabets developed within a very large region and a great mix of people, with various beliefs, passions and purposes. Gradually those alphabets were refined and an underlying thread of logic, mathematical principle, and human gesture were recorded and passed on, some forgotten, some lost, much preserved.
Today, Hebrew seems to capture the most accurate recording of ancient alphabet evolution, with Greek and Arabic coming from the same heritage.
The descendents of the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, are generally credited with inventing the 22-letter alphabet letters, each representing a sound, at about 1300 BCE.
The Phoenician trunk of the alphabetic tree then branched out into three distinctive alphabetic sets: Greek (about 1100 BCE), ancient [[Hebrew]] (about 900 BCE) and [[Aramaic]] (about the 8th century BCE).
At this point we have to point out that the alphabet we call Hebrew today is, strictly speaking, not Hebrew at all.
About the end of the sixth century BCE the Hebrew language discarded the ancient Hebrew letters and adopted Aramaic ones. This dramatic act is documented in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Bible and commented on in the Talmud and in Greek sources.
Also documented in In fact, the modern day Samaritan Alphabet is the ancient hebrew alphabet:
“The ancient Hebrew alphabet version was left to the “commoners”, and it is used to this very day by the Samaritans.” -
The significance of these letter forms to spirituality will be made clear soon.
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“Kabbalah is a study of the meaning of the Hebrew letters and their pronunciation. In studying Kabbalah, one evokes the feeling mode, the feeling tone, the intuition. Thinking is changed, the ability to sense the world around you is changed” - PhD Fred Alan Wolf
Let’s expand on Fred Wolf’s description.
Kabbalah, often known as ‘jewish mysticism’, is an attempt to codify geometric principles and psychological experience through metaphorical symbolism using the ancient autiot (‘letters of the alphabet’). Understanding its origins helps to unlock SciFi Spirituality.
In fact, the way we emotionally express our selves through hand gesture is directly linked to the meaning of all 22 letters now used as modern Hebrew.
The following is from
“The seminal Kabbalistic work Shefa Tal, by R. Shabatai Sheftal Horowitz of Prague (c. 1561-1619), contains some of the first symbolic illustrations ever printed in the Jewish world.”
“It discusses geometric forms and concepts, including the alphabet-generating "model hand" pictured below, which Mr. Tenen [of Meru Foundation at] independently rediscovered using the [modern] Hebrew letter text of Genesis.”
From Shefa Tal, 1:4:
[Translated as:] "See how the straight line curves/bends into a descending gradient (like a waterfall), narrowing, and ultimately ripening into a point in-itself."
Note the spiraling shape which Stan Tenen re-discovered in the 1980’s.
“Prior to the Holocaust, Shefa Tal ("Abundance of Dew"), was one of the most widely-reprinted Kabbalistic works in Eastern Europe. In fact, R. Kalonymous Kalman Shapiro (the "Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto") urged his Chassidim who felt they were ready to undertake the study of Kaballah, to start their study not with the Zohar, but rather with Shefa Tal.”
“The 12th century sage Yehuda HaLevi (in Al Kuzari, part 4, #25) tells us that "The shapes of the letters are not the result of accident, but of a device which is in harmony with the character of each letter. . . " Each letter then, is not only generated by the model, but also has meaning connected to how the model generates the letter. For example, the letter Mem means "from" or "source of". The source of speech is at the throat. Thus, the most fitting gesture for Mem is at the throat, facing forward as if projecting from the throat as the source of speech. In the case of each Hebrew letter, the gesture that displays the letter’s shape carries the meaning of the letter’s name, based on its function.”
Note how Stan Tenen observed that a certain version of the ‘Hebrew letters’ (autiot) can be generated via hand gestures using the spiral shape…
Jews today prey in the morning using a religious artefact known as ‘Tefillin’, which includes winding a strap onto the hand in a way that is meant to represent the Hebrew letters with which ‘God created the heavens and earth’.
This same geometric spiral is used in art throughout the ancient world, such as under the Egyptian 'Eye of Horus’.
Stan Tenen’s research is not given the credit it is due. Not only fascinating, but potentially one of the most important discoveries, or re-discoveries, of our time. I highly recommend exploring the links below about Stan Tenen’s mesmerising research.
God of Abraham and the Geometric level of Kabbalah by Stan Tenen, Meru Foundation
Background on Stan Tenen and Implications of Tenen’s work in his own words More articles by Tenen
Visualisations of how the letters spiral together to write out the first verse of Genesis:
And Stan’s book The Alphabet That Changed The World
Let us proceed with an insight that may reveal an earlier origin of the human letter gestures captured in that seminal kabbalistic work called Shefa Tal.
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From a discussion forum post at
It is interesting how there are similarities between the Shefa Tal, and the Ogham, or Tree Alphabet, which was a symbolic alphabet kept track of on the fingers as well for the so called Celts.
Recent theories in the studying origins of language have said that for most extremely early languages, there was likely just as much gesturing with hands.
Though not personally Jewish, I have studied world mythologies and comparative religion, and truly believe that Hebrews (and Y-DNA Haplogroups J1, J2) and the messianic traditions are key in understanding past/future (sorry to get all esoteric on ya).
The Shefa Tal is said to date back to time of Aaron and Moses, it is a Rabbinic/Kohanim hand blessing.
The Kohanim Modal Haplotype (Y-DNA), OR Y-Chromosomal Aaron, (folks with name Cohen, Kohn) is mostly within Haplogroup J2
Now in my own research have found a people in South India, the Toda, who might be some kind of ancient cousins of the Hebrews, as the males are 47% Y-DNA Haplogroup J2.
The reason I bring this up in relation to the Shefa Tal, is to find out specifically what Tal means
The reason being, is that in South Indian, or Carnatic Music, the very word Tala, or Thala is a hand and finger method of keeping track of rhythm. This may all just be a coincidence. I see Shefa Tal as meaning "Abundance of Dew", is Tal the word for abundance? Tala, or Thala, is certainly related to Numbering...
“Tala refers to the beat set for a particular composition (a measure of time). Talas have cycles of a defined number of beats and rarely change within a song. They have specific components, which in combinations can give rise to the variety to exist (over 108), allowing different compositions to have different rhythms.”
Carnatic music singers usually keep the beat by moving their hands up and down in specified patterns, and using their fingers simultaneously to keep time.
We’ll come back to the letter T soon. And there’s plenty more on the idea of Indian origins of Hebrew language, such as
For now, following breadcrumbs:
“R Graves proposed that the ogham alphabet encoded a set of beliefs originating in the Middle East in Stone Age times, concerning the ceremonies surrounding the worship of the Moon goddess in her various forms. Graves' argument is extremely complex, but in essence he argues that the Hebrews, Greeks and Celts were all influenced by a people originating in the Aegean, called 'the people of the sea' by the Egyptians, who spread out around Europe in the 2nd millennium BC, taking their religious beliefs with them.” - Graves, R 'The White Goddess', pp. 61, 123, 1961 -
See for more on Ogham.
“A great mix of people who formed in packs to invade neighbouring lands around the time of the Bronze Age. One group of Sea People the denyen are theorised to become the Israelite Tribe of Dan”. -
The Sea People’s became the Phoenicians. The phoenicians were merchant sailors and builders, believed to have built the ‘1st Temple of Jerusalem’.
Aramaic (which became the alphabet symbols used for Modern hebrew) originates from Phoenician, over time modified to a specifically-Aramaic alphabet. ( and and
Unpacking the origins of the Sea People and their 22 letter gestures is research yet to be continued.
Let’s move on with another big and related puzzle piece as we begin to explore the 22 letter gestures themselves for practical techniques of spirituality.
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Sacred Geometry is the representation of law, physics, consciousness, and meaning, through shapes that are inherent in existence.
Above: A mid 19th century illustration of Euclid’s first proposition by Oliver Byrne
This is the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements, the foundational text of geometry since the 3rd century BCE. As the regular polygon with the smallest number of points, the triangle was seen as the first shape. Circles and arcs are similarly used to construct other geometric figures, like the pentagon.
Tetractys (Greek for the number 4) is a sacred Pythagorean symbol and mathematical model that was devised by the renowned mathematician, philosopher, sage and mystic, Pythagoras around 530 BCE.
It consists of 10 dots that are arranged in four rows (with four, three, two and one dot in each row) such that they make a triangular figure pointing upwards.
The Tetractys is one of the symbols in sacred geometry that is made very interesting by its complex layers of meaning. It is a design that is very mathematical in structure and yet holds mystical significance among the Pythagoreans and the followers of the Kabbalah.
The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. They are linked by New Age authors with the Biblical prophet Enoch, the Archangel Metatron, the six days of Creation, the Vesica Piscis religious symbol, and Borromean rings.
In 13th century France, Kabalists are claimed to have identified the 22 letters in correct order utilizing the Seed of Life and geometric interpretation.
Yantra's date back to 11,000 - 10,000 BC. These geometrically harmonious symbols hail from Indian Tantric traditions where they were aids for meditations and deity worship.
The Sri Yantra is the mother of all Yantras and each of its features comes with a spiritual meaning. It consists of five triangles pointed downward (the female energy or Shakti) and four triangles pointing upwards (the male consciousness or Shiva). The overlapping of the triangles forms 43 smaller triangles within it, all of which have their own meanings.
Explore more symbols of sacred geometry and their meanings at
I include the following section to demonstrate how closely related ancient spiritual symbology is with religious symbols, beliefs, and letters of the alphabet, and the ancient ‘Sea People’s’.
Following is from
“The Ankh is the Crux Ansata. A simple T-Cross, surmounted by an oval – called the RU, which is, simply put, the gateway to enlightenment.
This enigmatic symbol of Egypt represents ‘eternal life’ and was often found in the names of Pharaoh’s such as Tut-ankh-amun.
The symbol is often depicted being held by a god to a Pharaoh, giving him life, or held by a Pharaoh to his people, giving them life – this basically set aside the immortals, from the mortals, for anyone wearing or carrying the Ankh had gained or hoped to gain immortality. In truth also, the pharaoh was God on earth and so he held his own symbol of the sun and the serpent to his people – he was the sun, giving us life, just as it does in nature.
It is the loop (the RU or gateway) of the Ankh, which is held by the immortals to the nostrils (as in the Biblical god breathing life into the nostrils of Adam.) If indeed these ‘immortals’ are the sun, moon and stars, then this Ru device is indeed a gateway to the stars – or basically a gateway to what we were believed to return or become following death.
The Ankh though outlived Egyptian domination and was widely used by the Christians as their first cross, but in this symbol holds a clue to the secret of the serpent.
Thoth (see Taautus below) was said to have symbolized the four elements with a simple cross, which originated from the oldest Phoenician alphabet as the curling serpent. Indeed Philo adds that the Phoenician alphabet “are those formed by means of serpents... and adored them as the supreme gods, the rulers of the universe.”
Thus bringing to mind the god Thoth, who again is related to the worship of serpents and who created the alphabet. The “rulers of the universe” are indeed the planets and stars.
Bunsen in the 19th century thought, “the forms and movements of serpents were employed in the invention of the oldest letters, which represent gods.” This symbol of the four elements was altered slightly and became the Egyptian Taut, the same as the Greek Tau, which is where we get the name Tau Cross from – a simple T.
The T or Tau cross has been a symbol of eternal life in many cultures and gives its name to the Bull in the Astrological sign of Taurus – note here the two elements of the Tau and the RU being brought together. In fact the Druids (or “adders” after the snake) venerated the tree and the snake by scrawling the Tau cross into tree bark.
In the Middle Ages the Tau cross was used in amulets to protect the wearer against disease.
Amongst the modern Freemasons the Tau has many meanings. Some say that it stands for Templus Hierosolyma or the 'Temple of Jerusalem,' others that it signifies hidden treasure or means Clavis ad Thesaurum, ‘A key to treasure‘ or Theca ubi res pretiosa, ‘A place where the precious thing is concealed.’
The Taut or Tau symbolizes the creating four elements of the universe. Next the symbol of the sun / serpent was added, a simple circle or the oval RU. This loop above the T cross-created the Ankh, the symbol of eternity. The snake in a circle eating its own tale is symbolical of the sun and immortality.
The symbol of the moon was added to this, turning it into the sign for Hermes/Mercury and showing the Caduceus/Serpent origin. No wonder that this, the most perfect and simple of symbolical devices became the symbol of the early Christians; no wonder that, even though there were no cross-beam crucifixions, Christ was never the less symbolically crucified on a symbol of eternal life, a symbol of the serpent.
This symbol became the mark or sign, which would set the believer aside for saving. In Ezekiel this is the mark that god will know, the mark on the forehead. As Deane points out the Ezekiel passage (9:4) should read, “set a Tau upon their foreheads.” or “mark with the letter Tau the foreheads.” The early Christians baptized with the term “crucis thaumate notare.”
They baptized with the symbol of the sun-snake (sun-ake). And St. Paul himself in Galatians 6: 17 states “let no-one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.”
Is this the original mark of Cain, who we have found to be of the serpent tribe?
The idea of this sign or mark is widespread once discovered. In Job 31:35 we read in our modern Bibles “I sign now my defense – let the Almighty answer me” which should properly read, “Behold, here is my Tau, let the Almighty answer me.” He then goes on and says “Surely I would take it upon my shoulder, and bind it as a crown to me.”
This remarkable idea of wearing the Tau cross on the shoulder as a sign would later become part and parcel of the crusader Templars markings, the very same Templars who are instigated in the worship of serpents.
Also the Merovingians (said by some to be descended from Jesus and a sea serpent or fish god [of the Sea People mentioned earlier] – the Quinotaur or Quino-Tau-rus).
In shape, the Ankh is very similar to the Egyptian musical instrument, which is shaped like the oval RU – the Sistrum.”
Why do the words Torah (hebrew old testament) and Tarot (divination cards), not only sound quite similar, but include the special T letter? Are Tarot and Torah closely related? Is Tarot an exposition of Torah? Both of which are codes of psychological significance?
Yes, that is most certainly what the research points to. Check out ‘Tarot and Kabbalistic Sacred Geometry’ for more on this at
As we’ll now see, the Torah, written using the 22 letter code of sacred geometry and metaphor, are commonly translated through modern hebrew into ‘bible stories’, where as a deeper significance of the letter sequences remains hidden within kabbalistic understanding.
Geometry within the 22 Autiot
The following is from
“According to Hayim Vital, the radiance of the Torah's divine light is reflected in the mysteries of the book ‘Zohar’ (which means radiance). But when these mysteries are shrouded in the literal meaning [as per the scriptures of the old testament], their light is darkened. The literal meaning is darkness, but the Kabbalistic meaning, the mystery, is the zohar that shines in every line of Scripture. This devaluation of the simple literal meaning is no invention of the later Kabbalists. It is clearly stressed in certain passages of the zohar itself.”
And it’s important to note these great works of Kabbalah hold no final solution or conclusion. They are explorations into human consciousness, never to be taken as dogmatic expositions of objectively real phenomenon. What is essentially important are the 22 autiot, not the books that through the ages have attempted to make use of them.
Hayim. Joseph David Azulai remarked, "Reading the Zohar is good for the soul, even if wrong and full of mistakes."
One creative researcher in recent times spots an intriguing arrangement for the 22 autiot as follows.
The following is taken from
According to the Kabbalists the 22 letters are divided into 3 groups: the 3 Mother Letters, the 7 Double letters and the 12 Simple Letters.
The 3 dimensions of space correspond with the 3 Mother Letters. The 1 center and 6 faces (ie the 7 Directions of Space) correspond with the 7 double Letters. The 12 Edges (ie the 12 Subdirections of Space) correspond with the 12 Simple Letters.
Through experimentation I discovered this pattern that can be formed from 22 equally sized circles on a flat plane:
“The tree of life is a widespread myth or archetype in the world's mythologies … including the Tree of Knowledge (of god and evil) connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the Tree of Life connecting all forms of creation, portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree.” - “And the LORD God said, [about Adam having eaten from the Tree of Knowledge] "The man has now become like one of us [note the plurality of ‘us’] , knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." - Genesis 3:22 Must not? Why not? Why did the plurality of the gods not want mankind to become immortal like them? What restriction has that belief had on 3,000 years of conscious development? What ultimately is the key to unlocking our right of passage to eat from that Tree of Life and join the gods as immortals? The very first word of the Old Testament, commonly translated as ‘In The Beginning’ (Bereyshis) is alternatively translated as ‘In the Net’. A ‘net’ being ‘an interwoven matrix’.
The 3 mother letters are seen as a set. Therefore they are placed equally apart in a triangle. It is understood that Aleph is neutral so it is placed "centrally" between the other 2 Mother Letters. The other letters are placed in accordance with their supposed make up from the Three.
For example in their scheme Gemel=Aleph+Mem. Therefore I placed Gemel directly in between Aleph and Mem.
If Shin is seen as yang polarity, Mem is seen as yin polarity and Aleph is seen as neutral/tao then this diagram reflects the approximate polarities of the other letters. The central letters are balanced, those on the left are yin and those on the right are yang.
Circles are seen as pure transcendent geometric figures so patterns that can be formed from a set number of them on a flat plane are inherently non-arbitrary to a degree. Naturally symmetrical and/or beautiful arrangements are given special importance especially if they have other notable or unique properties.”
What this signifies is the geometrically distributed nature of symbolism captured within the 22 autiot.
For a more indepth exploration, we looked at Stan Tenen’s work earlier and his discovery of the human hand gestures represented by the 22 autiot (which became the Hebrew letters).
Now let’s get to another major source of insight for the autiot. The Egyptican Kabbalist Carlo Suares.
(Edit 2 on 27.Dec.19)
“The tree of life is a widespread myth or archetype in the world's mythologies … including the Tree of Knowledge (of god and evil) connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the Tree of Life connecting all forms of creation, portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree.” - “And the LORD God said, [about Adam having eaten from the Tree of Knowledge] "The man has now become like one of us [note the plurality of ‘us’] , knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." - Genesis 3:22
Must not? Why not? Why did the plurality of the gods not want mankind to become immortal like them?
What restriction has that belief had on 3,000 years of conscious development? What ultimately is the key to unlocking our right of passage to eat from that Tree of Life and join the gods as immortals?
The very first word of the Old Testament, commonly translated as ‘In The Beginning’ (Bereyshis) is alternatively translated as ‘In the Net’. A ‘net’ being ‘an interwoven matrix’.
The very first word of the Old Testament, commonly translated as ‘In The Beginning’ (Bereyshis) is alternatively translated as ‘In the Net’. A ‘net’ being ‘an interwoven matrix’.
Carlo Suares reveals how to read that matrix. This entire research document was inspired to serve as an introduction to his work. Drink up. And achieve your god-like immortality through a new structure of consciousness (free of religious dogma) that bridges between our ancient past and our imminent future.
(Edit 2 on 26.Dec.19)
Modern Kabbalist Carlo Suares (1892–1976) of Egyptian Sephardi lineage, lived and died with little recognition for revealing a Science of Consciousness coded within the three primary texts of Kabbalah (Book of Formation, the first 5 Chapters of Genesis, and the ‘Song of Songs’). Note Suares uses the spelling Qabala.
The following notes are from the website (all about Suares’ work and highly, highly recommended reading), from the page
Suares "formulates" Qabala in terms best suited for modern scientific, rational and objective minds, as an analogical/ontological language of the structure of consciousness and energy.
Suares defines Qabala as:
“the science of the structure of energy and consciousness: a completely-generalized semantically-accurate projective language dealing with biologically structured energies in different states of organization.”
The knowledge that is called Qabala must no longer be reduced to a mere subject of study for seekers of recondite mysteries. It must now come to full light and penetrate serious minds.
The synagogues can only ignore it because they have repudiated intelligence. They keep on reading and commenting on an archaic law which has no reality. The real knowledge of the Qabala recedes further and further every day because of the foolish teachings of amateur scholars who, having learned a few tricks which can be played with the letter-numbers, amuse the public with their speculations, or entertain their readers with strange stories concerning some ancient Rabbi. - Suares, The Cipher of Genesis, p.49
“The majority of cabalists are Jews enslaved to the Torah, and they have always asserted that one cannot know how to be a cabalist without practising the Mosaic law. In this way Mosaism both annexed and rejected the Qabala and made it unrecognizable.
But the Qabala is not a derivative from, or a superstructure of, of a Heresy of Mosaism. The contrary is true: Moses was directed to give out this very ancient knowledge antedating Judaism in an historical sequence (and it is undeniable that the people who received it became its protective shell).
The Sepher Yetsira [Book of Formation] leaves no doubt as to its anteriority and its cabalistic method: it never refers to Moses, or to his laws or to the historical Jewish people. It is outside the flow of time. Its only contact with history -- in language that has nothing anecdotal about it -- is the legendary Abraham.” - Suares, Sepher Yetsira, p.113
“No mere student of Qabala will ever understand the Qabala from within. Were he to read and re-read the Zohar, learn all about Simeon-Bar-Yohai, Moses of Leon, Abraham Abulafia or Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbala Denudata, he would be trying to see by looking through the wrong end of a telescope.” … “Nothing is important except the knowledge that the key to that Revelation is to be found in the letter-numbers. When once we grasp that, we can grope our way through them, and our very first step will already have been taken inside their cosmic life.” - Suares, The Cipher of Genesis, p.47
"In brief, the Qabala today can be reborn neither in the Synagogue nor in the State that calls itself Israel. Both ignore it, so it ignores them. It has no valid motive for conforming to the very few Mosaic prescriptions which still survive and which every conforming Jew interprets according to his fancy.
It must offer itself freely to minds which are free. It is no longer mysterious and occult. On the contrary, it is intelligible and marvellously intelligent. It is the very source of the civilizations that have gravitated around the Mediterranean which are today spreading all over our planet. It states the religious problem as it has to be stated in a time which the further the horizon recedes, the nearer we come to the Mystery. For such minds as are no longer bounded by ancient horizons and have thus become a mystery unto themselves, the totality of life is present in action. It is the Soliloquy of the One. This is the true Revelation, plainly visible to all.” - Suares, Sepher Yetsira, p.50
His analysis is groundbreaking, riveting, and of course controversial. He deconstructs that vagueries and superficialities within both Judaism and Christianity. He holds no punches. He teases his readers towards insight and realisation. If you have found this research document interesting so far, you may care to explore Carlo Suares work in his books…
...or by starting with the excellent website which has detailed commentary on his work.
Until the science of these codes of consciousness are fully specified and made practical, you will have to approach spirituality as more of an art form. Get creative.
Practice the hand gestures on Meru Foundation.
Vocalise the sounds while reflecting on their significance as per Carlo Suares writings. Specifically: I suggest you immerse yourself in the centre of the Cube of Consciousness as described at
Consider the importance of fully grasping ancient history and the origins of this ancient science of consciousness, apparently spread via the Sea People’s:
From where did they receive this knowledge of geometric metaphor captured by 22 symbols? What does mainstream religion hide from ‘we the people’ in the catacombs of libraries such as the Vatican? What will society look like once these insights are common knowledge? What effect will it have on religion, on politics, on how we think, feel, and act within our experience of existence?
I bid you good fortune as mankind rapidly advances towards the era of Spiritual Reformation with its gift of Immortality: the ultimate family value.
Note: This work led to formation of the Singularity Timeline.