Values & Suitability?
Your Suitability Test:
Are you motivated to escape the daily grind and isolation of life as usual...
...replaced by a new mixed reality of virtual and physical spaces in stunning locations?
What if you could help develop it along with a diverse network of co-owner collaborators?
We believe a diversity of people will make Camazotz a thriving community that makes a meaningful impact on the world in the years ahead.
In saying that, we're not a rehab unit or hippie commune for people who are carrying too much emotional baggage. We'll let you decide if that makes Camazotz sound like the right venue for you.
Ultimately, we expect our long-term co-livers to generally agree to our values list:
Individual Sovereignty — What’s yours is yours. What’s mine is mine. Together we decide how much we share.
Productive Bliss — The best feeling is when we enjoy our work because the work is right and good.
Human Vitality — Life feels better when we’re healthy. Even better when we’re super healthy.
Intellectual Honesty — Our mind is a reality processing machine. Keeping thoughts pure and clear gets the best from our mind-body connection.
Universal Justice — Small injustices lead to big injustices. Exposing corruption and blocking coercion must be done at every opportunity.
A Better Lifestyle
A Shared-Ownership Cooperative Of Physical And Virtual Property, Assets, Events, And Mini-Economies
Wellness Architecture — the beauty of large open spaces surrounded by nature — Not the overbearing concrete of obsolete drab cities
Caring community neighbors and event opportunities — Not a hippy commune of co-dependents, but a community of respectful and independent individuals
Zero-tax livable incomes and shared profit-pool opportunities — untangling our dependence on corrupt and oppressive tax regimes that seem to feed war more than they serve citizens
Local, healthy, fresh food options (regenerative agriculture and permaculture) — with far less of the processed food diets of a typical city existence
Networking opportunity for collaboration and trusted services with access to new financial incentives — structured as decentralized zero-hierarchy organizations
A network of people who hold each other accountable, support your efforts and challenge you to reach higher — instead of suffocating social circle you don't really resonate with
Waking up each day within the serenity of a lifestyle of your own choosing — surrounded by new friends, new opportunity, new experiences that suit your sense of mission, adventure, and fulfilment
Innovations like peer-to-peer cash, digital identity security, and augmented reality — without the negative addiction that can result from 'too much' digital technology.
Last updated