Governance Model?

We believe in the sanctity of individual rights which by natural extension includes property rights. A man's house is his castle. We are preparing for the future of property ownership in the manner by which we think is fair, inclusive, and empowering for all participants.

We advocate the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution, known as The Prime Law.

As our governing group develops, land ownership will be placed within a trust with appointed trustees to steward the property for a free and fair future.

This will be done with the confidence that the purpose of Camazotz will be actualized: Co-living with nature to maximize human vitality.

We are advocates of dynamic governance (socriocracy), decentralized governance (distributed decision making), and web3 governance (autonomous organizations).

Our dream is to inspire the world with a clear demonstration of healthy living, economic and creative opportunity, and fair governance that stimulates larger-than-life joy and care-free feelings of peace.

An 'Impossible Dream' within the current geopolitical decade from hell. Hence, the road ahead will be a long adventure of discovery and determination.

A place for healthy enjoyment of Mother Earth... personal growth... digital creativity... and everything in between.

The early phase of the project would include 'dome homes', public kitchen area, more solar power (for all those devices we need in modern life), a bio swimming pool, green house, and more.

Building Codes mutually agreed by vote between fellow co-owners.

Last updated