Mixed Reality Metaverse?
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Imagine a physical/virtual venue, with some attendees physically present on the property with others beaming in via the Digital Twin metaverse using a VR headset.
The digital twin virtual space will be home to training, education and networking events. Altogether a new melting pot of future-focused ideas and ideals.
Imagine a virtual reality version of our property development in its natural setting. The virtual reality can be augmented with creative architecture not possible on the physical land itself. People can participate in events and join us for gatherings by visiting virtually instead of needing to fly all the way here... still able to participate with folks present In Real Life at the property itself.
A strange concept by today's standards but we believe this will become a normal part of life over the coming decade, and we will be pioneers.
Virtual Reality is going main-stream and will affect almost all of our lives.
The latest innovation from Apple (The 'Vision Pro', announced Jun 2023) is as significant as the iPhone 1 which introduced smart-phones to all of us.
Imagine joining an event virtually from anywhere anywhere in the world, in one of the beautifully crafted virtual spaces inside our metaverse environment...
...with equivalent locations at the physical property itself (perhaps not quite as majestically designed as the virtual reality versions).
A little tricky to explain as this concept of mixed realities (blending virtual and physical spaces) is new to everyone, yet will soon become the norm — and together we can capitalize on this social transformation through co-ownership and collaboration.
Own parcels of physical land at the property in Yucatan along with its equivalent space inside our virtual world. Build whatever you can imagine inside virtual reality, and possibly also build in the equivalent area on the physical property itself*. Then rent out your physical space via our hospitality program, sell it via an NFT marketplace listing, or keep it as a private holiday residence for yourself and share friends.
Mixed Reality Experiences Between Physical Locations & Virtual Replicas
With headlines for software like this, imagination runs as wild as our 45 hectares of jungle property.
The physical property we now own the title deeds for (equivalent to 45 standard city blocks in size, and slightly large than Vatican City); physical, real-world, and in the flesh, so to speak. Huge space for regenerative co-living, ecotourism hospitality, and more. But that's only just layer 1...
Augmented Reality experiences for people at the physical property wearing smart goggles as they move around the property with all sorts of edutainment, such as exercise classes delivered by a digital trainer, permaculture education... basically anything that we might want to add into a mixed reality experience. Then comes:
Now imagine a typical metaverse launch, whether it's a virtual representation of reality (like an Upland) or just a virtual landscape (like a Decentraland), virtual experiences are here to stay and Camazotz Cohaven intends to be no slouch on the matter. We envision a metaverse as a Digital Twin of the property itself. A virtual space that matches our actual land-based facilities.
Sidenote before Layer 4 blows yer soxxs clean off yer feet:
The virtual reality (if we have the necessary metaverse artefacts, can outshine the structures available on the physical property by orders of magnitude. But here comes the differentiator...
Now imagine that our NFTs for land parcels act as a kind of deed for building permission on the actual physical land represented by that land parcel NFT? To clarify the point:
Upland can sell fake parcels of real locations, we can sell actual parcel rights for real locations. We guess many projects will move towards this model now that the idea is out of the bag, assuming we're first to do it.
Decentraland is worth a fortune.. just as Sandbox and many others, yet have no real claim in any sense of reality whatsoever. Sooner or later, people will choose to move assets to platforms (virtual worlds) that connect to human value... and we'll be ready.
Our property literally contains a registered nature reserve, that we can and will maintain, while increasing the ecology via agroforestry to create a new nature haven abundance. This topic of regenerative agriculture, reversing deforestation and building back the worlds healthy soils are mega trends of our era, in case you didn't know already. The market for NFTs that preserve and improve our ecology is at its starting point with a mammoth potential.
We love smart tech as much as we love the sense of being surrounded by authentic healthy natural environments — the balanced combination of these will lead us to landscape architectural designs at the forefront of smart city wellness (another big mega trend in itself).
You can buy NFTs inside of a virtual metaverse with all the standards bells and whistles for building inside the metaverse, interacting, and trading digital assets...
You will have a binding claim (within the bounds of our governance determined building restrictions of course) to actually have your property creations built at the physical property located in Yucatan Mexico... which you can rent, lend out, or visit for trips or extended stays.
We will gradually be building a co-living community on the property anyway. A place for digital nomads, young families, or off-grid nature enthusiasts to escape urban life and find a better balance in a rural environment with a community of like-minds.
If this combination concept of a land-DAO metaverse doesn't give you goosebumps... either we haven't explained ourselves well enough or the convergence of multi billion dollar trends just isn't your thing 🙂
Sound promising? Challenging? Opportunity to be involved some how?